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Science Says: What Do Beards REALLY Say About You?
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The history of beards has had plenty of ups and downs... but it looks like they're on the way back up. Why? Because people are looking on them more favorably! The way beards are perceived by the public at large tends to vary drastically depending on what century you're talking about. [...]

Mo Poo, Mo Problems.
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So, apparently some folks out there are so serious about avoiding chemicals and other bad karma in their hair products that they're simply ditching shampoo (and conditioner) entirely. "No Poo" may be trending among the vegan/hippie types, but that's no reason anyone else has to give up having hair that looks and smells fantastic!It's [...]

Hoppocalypse Now: Getting A Handle On The Hops Shortage
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While we usually like to joke around in this blog when we can, today Duffy's would like to highlight a relatively serious issue that's going to be dear to the hearts of many of our readers. (As well as our own.) Simply put, if you're a fan of hopsy beers, you're going to [...]

5 Awesome Tips For Building A Better Beard
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Believe it or not, there IS more to growing a great beard and\or mustache than simply throwing your razor away and letting nature take its course. Sure, that sort of approach is popular for the yearly "Novembeard" participants, but if your goal is a groomable and sustainable facial bush, there are things you can do [...]

Six More Amazing Uses For Beer-Based Conditioner
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Hair conditioner is actually pretty amazing stuff, and we're not just talking about Duffy's here. Its mixture of oils, proteins, and lubricants are really great for making shiny hair, but they have a surprising number of alternative uses as well! Plus, everyone knows how great Duffy's Brew smells. This can be your opportunity to [...]

Highlighting Our Brothers In Beards: Ben Boulware
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Unless you're a fan of Clemson or an avid college football enthusiast, you probably haven't heard of Ben Boulware. At least not yet. This Clemson Junior is a starting Tigers Linebacker this season, and already starting to turn heads for his aggressive style, his ease on camera, his pride in his game... and [...]

What Makes Citra Hops So Damn Special?
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When Duffy's decided to bring the world's best beer-based hair care products to the market, we knew that the Brew had to stand out. After all, beer has been used to keep hair soft and shiny for hundreds of years, at least. Our offerings had to bring something special to the table. [...]

Duffy's Brew Presents: The Top Ten Top Ten Craft Beers Lists List!
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Looking for the top ten best new craft beers to try? There's plenty of advice online, and most of it's contradictory. Have any of these so-called "Top Ten Craft Beers" lists EVER managed to agree on what the best ones are? No, of course not.So where does that leave you, oh lovers [...]

Don't Let These Vicious Rumors Deter You From Citra Hop Beard Oil
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In our vital position as arbiters of good taste and even better hair, it pains us to note that alongside the rise of beard oil as a product used by distinguished gentleman everywhere, there has been a rise in persistent and pernicious rumors about the product. Some, it seems, simply cannot stand the idea [...]
Could Duffy's Brew Bring You A Mustache That Changes The World?
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Well, no. Only you can change the world, grasshopper. Great facial hair merely helps.However, what Duffy's can do is bring you some of the best mustache wax in the world, and that's gotta count for something, too. Our brand-spankin' new Duffy's Brew Citra Hops Mustache Wax is a terrific addition to our [...]