Thickness & Volume
Dandruff & Dry Scalp
Restore & Strengthen

The Best Shampoo on the Planet
Because Real Craft Beer is Ridiculously Good For Your Hair
Also Featuring...
- Fennel – Seals & Protects
- Aloe – Moisturizes & Nourishes
- Acai – Energizes & Stimulates
- Gogi – Repairs & Restores
- Sunflower – Silkifies & Smoothifies
And things it doesn't have...
- No Sulfates – Harsh Astringents
- No Phthalates – Aromatic Plastics
- No Parabens – Hazardous Preservatives
- No Animal Testing
- No Bullshit

12,000 Duffy's Fans (and their gorgeous heads) can't be wrong
This Revolution Will be Televised

Want Amazing Hair? Of Course You Do.
Click HereQuestions That Are Asked. Frequently.
Why Beer?
Beer makes you funnier, smarter and better looking when it’s in you, so just imagine what it can do when it’s ON you. Actually, you don’t have to imagine; I’ll just tell you – the Amino Acids will coat your hair in a thin layer of protein that shines and protects each strand, while the Roasted Barley & Malt provide a restorative coat of Vitamin B & Minerals that add incredible body and volume.
Does It Smell Like Beer?
Frat house basements smell amazing, there’s no denying that, but no, you won’t smell like aftermath of 10,000 beer pong games. Duffy’s does, however, smell like spiced mahogany with subtle vanilla and caramel notes, so be prepared for the consequences of smelling delicious.
"It's a Gimmick, Right?"
It's a gimmick in the same way indoor plumbing and the iPhone were gimmicks, and by that I mean, No, it’s not a gimmick at all, it’s just unique and that tends to scare the timid. People were using beer in their hair way before they started using cheap synthetic chemicals. We just want to make America’s hair great again.